select an advertisement to which you have recently been exposed

select an advertisement to which you have recently been exposed


Class, please select an advertisement to which you have recently been exposed. It can be in any paid communications medium, such as TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine.

The ad that you select should be one to which others in the class can easily relate, such as Verizon’s old “Can you hear me now?” ad or the Aflac ad (with the white duck that squawks, “AFFFFLAAAAAAAC!”).   If you can find it on Youtube and post the URL, great!

Evaluate the ad from a consumer perspective. Answer the following questions, demonstrating application of our text:

1.  Why do you feel the ad was created in the first place?  There was a reason — what do you suppose it was?
2.  What is the MESSAGE that the ad is attempting to communicate?
3.  What do you see as this ad’s major strengths or weaknesses?
4.  Do you think the ad was a success?  Why or why not?  How would the company know if the ad were successful?

Answer Preview
The ad seeks to show the people that the network is focused on bringing unity amongst the people that use it. This means that the main message that the ad seeks to put across is the fact that the company cares about relationships that mean a lot to the people and as such, these kinds of people will be able to make free calls to each other all the time. The company uses people to make shapes that help in bringing about a sense of unity amongst the people…
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