
Federal Taxes and Management Decisions- AccountingPeriods and OtherTaxes


Write a minimum 600-word essay that addresses the following:

-Explain the different accounting periods and methods you can have for tax purposes.

-Explain the importance understanding related-party transactions for tax purposes.

Ensure that your essay follows the APA format guidelines, including proper citation and referencing. Use appropriate headings to organize your essay if necessary. Your essay should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs with supporting arguments or evidence, and a conclusion. Ensure your paper is free from grammatical errors, spelling, and typos. Submit your essay as a Word document (.doc or .docx)

Requirements: 2 pages

California Genocide


Choose from and will provide sources. No footnotes. 1 Cover sheet and 5 pages double spaced essay . Instructions Please answer one of the two following essay questions. Please answer […]

FederalTaxes and ManagementDecisions- AccountingPeriods and OtherTaxes


FederalTaxes and ManagementDecisions- AccountingPeriods and OtherTaxes

Write a minimum 600-word essay that addresses the following:

-Explain the different accounting periods and methods you can have for tax purposes.

-Explain the importance understanding related-party transactions for tax purposes.

Ensure that your essay follows the APA format guidelines, including proper citation and referencing. Use appropriate headings to organize your essay if necessary. Your essay should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs with supporting arguments or evidence, and a conclusion. Ensure your paper is free from grammatical errors, spelling, and typos. Submit your essay as a Word document (.doc or .docx)

Requirements: 2 pages

California GenocideESSAY QUESTIONSCalifornia Genocide


Instructions Requirements: 5 pages ESSAY QUESTIONS Please answer one of the two following essay questions. Please answer only one of these two questions. You do not need footnotes in this […]



Why are people prejudiced? Do you recognize your own prejudices? Have you ever had a prejudice against a group of people? Explain. Have you ever been a victim of prejudice? Explain. Please discuss this topic freely and do not be afraid to admit your prejudice as we can all learn from one another. To make you more comfortable, I admit that I have a prejudice

Human and animal behavior


Researchers often use a method called an experiment in order to study the causes of human and animal behavior. Design such an experiment based on a change in behavior you have observed in yourself or your roommates this past semester (e.g., eating or sleeping habits, exercise regime, game playing, etc.). Select a behavior that you are particularly interested in studying, and then design the experiment to investigate a possible cause of that behavior. Address the following questions.

What is the hypothesis you will test in your experiment?

What are the independent and dependent variables?

Who will be the subjects or participants in your study?

What are the experimental and control group conditions? Here, you may assume that you have the resources necessary to conduct your experiment and that you can control, or manipulate, the environment of your subjects as necessary. For example, suppose your hypothesis is as follows: Higher levels of stress from a heavy course workload increase eating activity. Assume that you have the ability to control the workload, etc., of your subjects.

How will you assign your subjects to groups?

What are the possible results of your study, and what might these results indicate about your hypothesis?



Given the context of a general anti-science movement in the world, what can we do as
scientists or pharmacologists to inform the general population about the principles of the
drugs they consume and their effects? Your next mission, whether you accept it or not, is to
write a popular science article on a topic related to pharmacology to educate a specific
the population of your choice.
• Approximately 500 words

• Use a catchy title.
• If you desire to format it as if it was an article in a magazine, go ahead. Making your work visually appealing also attracts the attention of your intended readership.
• Identify your target audience in the header.

Concepts considered during the evaluation:

Organizational Climate Survey


1. Your organization has been doing an Organizational Climate Survey for the past ten years. Every year the consulting firm you hired has presented the results to your senior management team (SMT). The SMT discusses the results to the mangers. You’ve joined the organization as Manger of Organizational Development. After some discussion with employees you’ve determined that these results were never given to the employees nor has anything ever been done with the results. Overall the results indicate low motivation, and job dissatisfaction. You also discovered that turnover is at 60%. Many people leave within one year of hiring. Include in your post:
o Describe the steps you would take in analyzing the situation.
o What specific recommendations would you make? Why?
o How SPECIFICALLY will you present your suggestions to Senior Leadership? What strategy would you use to present your ideas?
o Using a force field analysis model(driving and restraining forces), describe in detail the

Exhibition Reviews


A ONE-PAGE RESPONSE PAPER (either single- or double-spaced is acceptable for these). Scored will be evaluated on a √+ / √ / √– basis (these scores correspond to A / B / C letter grades)

¶Alan Wallach, Exhibiting Contradiction (1998), pp. 105–17.
¶Exhibition reviews in Time [13 May 1991]; Newsweek [27 May 1991]; Art in America [September 1991], and The Nation [July 1991].
What does the dust-up over the West as American exhibition at the Smithsonian suggests about the extent to which museums should try to offer viewers revisionist history?

Requirements: one page

Saudi Arabian Riyal and the U.S. Dollar


While Saudi Arabia seeks to diversify its economy, the Saudi economy is dominated by the petroleum sector. In addition, the Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) is pegged to the U.S. Dollar. For this week’s discussion, please answer the following questions:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the pegged exchange rate?

Analyze the effect on the economy of Saudi Arabia (GDP, interest rates, inflation, and trade balance) given two scenarios when there is a dramatically declining world oil price or a dramatically increasing world oil price.

Foundation of nursing practice


Professional ethics are at the foundation of nursing practice. Exploring ethical and legal issues that commonly arise in the practice of
the health care professional provides student nurses with the knowledge they need to understand their role in providing ethical care to
their patients. Ethical dilemmas in healthcare are not unique to nurses; however, the health care landscape is changing at an
unprecedented rate creating the potential for new dilemmas in practice. By examining the role of the nurse in collaboration with other
health care professionals, students learn the foundations for critically analyzing ethical dilemmas in nursing practice, clarifying values
and promoting moral considerations regarding health care challenges.
Develop a scholarly paper from one (1) of the following ethical topics/issues:
a. Professional Standards and Institutional Ethics

Offline marketing efforts


2. In 2010, the bank allocated 1,22 million or 21% of total ad budget to online advertising for acquiring checking account customers while allocating rest of the budget to offline marketing efforts.

3. Why did BBVA sign up a multi year NBA and ESPN sponsorship deals. Do you agree

4. What are the various steps in online acquisition process and how can the bank improve this process

5. What is the effective acquisition cost and LV of the customers through online channel

6. What is the role of display and search advertising in acquiring customers.? Id the budget allocation between

display and search correct?

Exchange Rate Adjustments and the Balance of Payments


Module 12 – Exchange Rate Adjustments and the Balance of Payments

Currency Depreciation

Q- Exchange rate fluctuation may affect industries that are in direct competition with foreign producers or rely on their supplies. Specifically, international competitiveness is affected through the influence the exchange rate has on relative costs. In a critical essay, assume that the following four events are taking place:

Americans increase their travel to Europe.

Saudi investors purchase large amounts of U.S. stocks
U.S. interest rates increase suddenly because of a relative increase of world interest rates

Other countries experience economic and political turmoil and become less stable when compared to the United States.

Then, please answer the following questions:

How will each event affect the foreign exchange market?
Will your answer be different if the currency was pegged?
Please explain if a dirty float system will change your assessment

Intellectual property


In this unit, you will select a case law pertaining to the topic of intellectual property.

Each case law analysis allows you to express yourself as clearly and fully as possible in dissecting a court decision. The purpose of the assignment is two-fold:

To give you the opportunity to read a real court decision.

To challenge you to think about how you would have decided the case. In your case law analyses, you must be able to navigate the court’s decision and summarize it; you are not expected to act as a judge or an advocate.

Using your selected court decision, prepare an analysis that responds to the following:

Articulates the importance, context, purpose, and relevance of law in a business environment:
Identify the parties who are before the court.
Provide a brief background to the problem. Summarize the facts in no more than 2–3 paragraphs.

Identify what is the specific disagreement between the parties.

IS Trupsim the new McCarthyism


My research QUESTION is : IS Trupsim the new McCarthyism?

please follow all the steps in the guide.

it should be 10 pages without the cover and references page

   Instructor/PNT GUIDE 

For Mid-Term and Final Paper

1.    Cover Page (Your Name


Name of Professor/Student Name

Course Title/CRN Number/Date

2.    Table of Contents

3.    SUMMARY (10 sentences) the findings about the research for midterm and final/paper/policy brief

4.    What is the issue? And The Question: Frame a question to address the issue. Your paper must respond to only one question

5.    Background  Info

Focused-content portal


Find one example of an affinity portal and one example of a focused-content portal not mentioned in the textbook. Write a paper of approximately 3 pages that explains why both of your examples should be categorized as an affinity portal or a focused-content portal.

For both examples:

Describe the services the portal provides with specific details from the portal.
Describe the apparent target audience for the portal, supported with evidence from the portal.

American Artworks


Select three artworks from the Americas that deal with supernatural beings or gods.

What do you think each tells us about the importance of the supernatural to ancient Americans?

Proposed Case Vignette


Presentation of the Problem

Jesus is an eighteen year old Latino male. He, in May of last year, graduated from High School in Coahoma, Texas. Coahoma Texas is a very small town of about 1000 residents in west Texas. The closest metropolitan area is Midland/Odessa Texas with a population of about 250,000 combined people in the two cities. It is about a 90 minute drive from Coahoma to Midland/Odessa.

Jesus was an average high school student over the course of his high school education. His mother owns a small Mexican restaurant and is a citizen of the Republic of Mexico, as is his father, and oilfield worker.

Jesus is not a US citizen, having been born in Mexico. He has however been living in the US since he was a baby of just over one year of age.Jesus is fluent in the Spanish and English languages. The family speaks mostly Spanish inside the home.Jesus worked part time in his mother’s restaurant during his high school summers, and weekends during the school year.

Upon graduation Jesus was anxious to move away from Coahoma, realizing that there were limited employment opportunities in and around his home town. Jesus was not particularly interested in attending college or university, and didn’t really know what he wanted to be, so far as careers are concerned.

Ethical behavior for leaders


This assignment involves relating ethical behaviors in high-profile events, as well as examining regulatory and sustainability market approaches to business’s environmental responsibilities. Read each of the following questions before answering each one within a Word document. 1. Based on the response to Hurricane Katrina, what is the relationship between inefficiency and ethical behavior for leaders? How could the response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster have been more effective, and thus more ethical? Your response must be at least 200 words. 2. In considering the BP Oil Spill, what circumstances would ethically justify a government or private company in restricting information made available to the public during a disaster?

Intercultural communication and interaction.


Choose a place like a Starbucks Coffee Shop, Small Cafe, or other public place like a retail store. Take note as to whether or not the customers interact with one another and special note of how the workers interact with the customers.

Off Campus Observations

Time: 30 minutes or more Location: Off Campus

This observation should be done somewhere other than on campus. Try to choose a place where people from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds gather and interact. You are observing to see how they engage in intercultural communication and interaction. You are looking to see if certain ethnic or cultural groups tend to sit and interact together, are there people of different cultures or ethnic backgrounds sitting near one another but not interacting to communicating.

Conducting an effective observation requires the special skill of paying close attention to details. Unlike interviewing people, much of data gained through observation is subjected to your preconceived beliefs or ideas. Below are a few steps for conducting an observation:

Select a site to be observed. Try to stay in the back ground. Unless you have obtained permission to observe a particular person or group, try not to make it obvious you are observing a particular group or person.

Design an observation protocol as a method for recording notes. Include descriptive and reflective notes (for examples: note about their relationships, hunches, and experiences.)

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