Controversy of Global Warming

Controversy of Global Warming


Make an argument essay about the controversy of global warming in 24 HOURS which my side is that I agree with global warming because there are many facts to believe in it.


– See the attached rubric paper for all the information.

– Medium to basic American grammar, do not write the essay with advanced grammar because the professor knows that I am a exchange student and she knows how I write.

innovative information with statistics

– The essay will be send through. “TURNITIN” ABSOLUTELY NO plagiarism.

– Grab attention by using pathos, logos

– COHERENCE, strong introduction , counter arguments and conclusion

– MLA citation.

This links may help you, However you have to use more

Links that agree:……

Link that disagree with global warming:…

Please use statistics and innovative information, remember that you have to have at least 1 website in which you disagree.

Say that companies such as …are with the government and they pay to the media and so on for not being detected.

Attachments area
Answer Preview
Global warming is the increase in the earth’s temperature for a period of time that has been recorded by different world organizations that deal with science and climate change for example NASA. Global warming has been observed to have been taking place over the last decades and the observation is that the earth’s temperature has been increasing where the last…
(1733 Words)
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