Movie Review

Movie Review

Extra Credit Assignment (Earn up to 25 points)

In this extra credit assignment I want you to write a review on the documentary film Unchained MemoriesReadings From the Slave Narratives.

Write a 850 to 1000 word review (3 to 4 pages in length).  The interviews come out of the Works Progress Administration which was put in place to put unemployed people back to work following the Great Depression.  In the review write a summary of the documentary and how important and necessary that these interviews with these former slaves are in an effort to shed more light on slavery in the United States.  Also please include your personal thoughts or opinions on documentary yourself.

In this assignment and all writing assignments going forward  unless otherwise stated, I would like you to place your name on the top left of the paper, the title of the class on the second line, the section name on the third line, and on the fourth line place the name of the assignment.  Also please do all assignments in 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced and indent the start of paragraphs.  Failure to do any of the above mention WILL result in the deduction of points.  Also please proofread your writing since grammar and spelling will be a part of your grade on this assignment.



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Readings from the Slave Narratives

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Slavery was dominant in America during the colonial period. The British, Germans and the French among other super powers were considered as the colonialists. They were out to colonize the African countries which consisted of naïve individuals who lived in the traditional era. Colonization arose from the trade that occurred between the Arabs…

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