Should Doctors Tell the Truth

Should Doctors Tell the Truth

Write a 350-500 word argument analysis on the attached article, “Should Doctors Tell the Truth?” by Collins, accompanied by a 350-500 word critical discussion of the argument.(2 papers)

An argument analysis is not a summary. Instead, an analysis tells the reader what the main argument of the article is. It should state clearly what the author’s thesis is and how he defends it. What premises does he start from? How does he use these premises to reach his conclusion?

A critical discussion is not a review of an article. Instead, a critical discussion provides an assessment of the main argument of the article. It should raise substantive criticisms of the main argument of the article being discussed. Does the author reason from false premises? Do his premises fail to adequately support his conclusion? Are their potential objections that he does not consider?

  • When you claim that a writer said something, tell me where they said it. Both paraphrases and quotes should be accompanied by a page number
  • Don’t write as if your audience already agrees with you. Assume your audience is skeptical and you have to convince them.

I have provided a little bit more info on the paper to make it easier for you. (I’ve probably included this information on the question but in case i have missed it, I would like to state it again)

The argument analysis is not a summary. You are to identify the thesis, identify the premises, and then go one step further and explain how the author’s premises prove the thesis. You are analyzing their argument.

The critical discussion is where you argue against the author; you need to state how their argument fails. The easiest way to do this is to show how one or more of their premises is false. You have to argue for why their premise is false, you cannot just state that it is wrong.

Argument analysis

Intro (includes author’s thesis and premises)

Premise 1-what reasons the author gives for it

Premise 2-same as above

Premise 3-same as above

Conclusion-restates author’s thesis and premises.

Critical discussion

Intro-includes author’s thesis, your thesis, where the author is wrong, and your premises

Premise 1-your defense of premise 1

Premise 2-same as above

Premise 3-same as above

Answer Preview

There is a debate of whether the physicians are supposed to reveal the truth about the conditions of their patients. This is due to the consideration of the way the patients would deal with their actual situations which may affect their medication. The author of this article tends to argue that concealment of the truth is suitable in cases where doctors are treating individuals…

(897 Words)

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