Fred’s Decisions

Fred’s Decisions

Do you agree with Fred’s decision to use the third vendor? Using concepts from the chapter, explain your answer.

2. What else might Fred do before choosing a training package? Use information provided in Chapter 2 and 3 to describe your approach. Make sure to provide enough detail to demonstrate your understanding of the key issues and approaches to determining how to proceed once a triggering event has occurred.

3. If training went ahead as indicated, how successful do you think it would be? Explain your answer using concepts.


Answer Preview

There is a need for an organization to select the best training vendor for its employees as this defines how employees treat customers. I agree with Fred on his selection of the vendor and the reasons behind his choice to use the third vendor. To begin with, he has considered the mode of delivery of the training where the third vendor has indicated he would use simulations during the training sessions. Training is aimed at increasing productivity at work and the selected vendor also outlines how the training will lead to customer’s satisfaction…

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