
Review The Networking Advice No One Tells You (Links to an external site.) article.

Networking is a critical part of managing your career and like everything else related to your career, it must be done intentionally and strategically. Oftentimes we don’t consider networking until we need a new job and it is easy to appear desperate at that point. By building up your network before you actually need it, you are creating a safety net for yourself, minimizing the chances of needing to aggressively hit the job boards, and improving the odds of new opportunities actually finding you.

For your initial response, use The Networking Advice No One Tells You (Links to an external site.) as your guide and

Your initial response should be a minimum of 400 words.

Answer preview

in management and from renowned companies who can help reach the goal. The second step is to identify the positive outcomes of my career, which will include attending seminars on management skills and advocating for employees’ inclusion in the decision-making process. This will help me to position myself in building strategic influence. The third step will be establishing mutually beneficial relationships with people in my career field. I will ask open-ended questions to colleagues about their work, advocacy areas they are working on, and any challenge they are experiencing. This will help to explore any opportunity of helping them based on my value proposition. The fourth step will entail finding allies who can offer support and connect me to new opportunities. This will include establishing a working relationship with the department manager and pursuing his/her projects diligently to achieve desired goals. This will promote the chances of the manager supporting my ideas of advocacy in the organization and recommending

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