The Wall Street: Business Legal and Ethical Issues

The Wall Street: Business Legal and Ethical Issues

POP CULTURE MOVES – Business Movies

Watch one of the following movies: Wall Street, The Insider, Smartest Guys in the Room, The Social NetworkSnowden, or Too Big to Fail. Students must turn in a 4-5 page minimum, double-spaced paper with an analysis of legal and ethical issues seen in the film. Do NOT just give me a summary of the film, but use short descriptions of events in the film to discuss legal and ethical issues that you see that relate to a business law course. Discuss what the characters (or companies) did that was concerning and how they could have avoided the problems that arise because of their actions.

Answer Preview

There are principles and ethical standards that are supposed to guide and govern business operations with various business stakeholders drawing a line between what they feel is ethical or not ethical. These stakeholders are also the major participants in the business activities and how…

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