Film Review

Film Review

write a 5 page (300 words per page) (double-spaced) movie review of two movies as if they were a two-part series. The first movie is to be from the “Golden Age” of American cinema (produced between 1917 and 1960), and the second movie is to be from the contemporary period. You will write as if you were writing for a journal called Film and History, and your job is to analyze how and why representation of a particular culturally-marked group in the United States (a racial, ethnic, or religious group, a gendered group, a sexual minority, a particular social class, people with disabilities, immigrants, or any other culturally-marked group) has changed over time.

here is some tips for this essay. I hope it will help you.

To start with, you are to identify how the group you have chosen has been represented in both films, and how those representations have or have not changed over time.

Please focus not only on the cultural stereotypes about the group in question, but on the entire discursive systems that allow such stereotypes to exist in the first place. This means thinking about the political, economic, and social forces that give rise to those images – as well as the forces that have (or have not) led to changes in how the group you are focusing on, has been represented.

Please remember that this is still a film review – so please write simply and clearly. Generally speaking, it will be more effective if you do not try to write about too many different aspects, but rather use one or two topics as focal points for making larger general observations and analyses. Below are some questions to think about as you watch the films and write your review:

‐ What have been the main stereotypes about __ in American popular culture?

‐ How have those stereotypes been part of a larger discourse about ___ prevalent in American popular culture?

‐ What particular segment of the dominant culture has each stereotype benefitted?

‐ What role have systems of economic and political power have played in generating and changing those systems of representation?

‐ What roles have changing popular genres and changing technologies played in supporting and/or undermining those stereotypes?

‐ What have been major continuities and the major changes in how __ have been represented over time?

‐ In what ways have older stereotypes survived in subtler, or altered ways into the present representational system?

‐ What new stereotypes and images have emerged in recent years? How have things might not have improved over the years?

‐ What similarities and differences do you see between representations of __ and representations of other culturally marked groups in the United States?

Answer Preview
The world or rather different countries and continents are made up of people who are of a different race. The populations of the world are divided on the basis of race and they include the whites, the blacks, the Hispanics and the Asians among other people. The whites are generally…
(1594 Words)
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