Early Childhood Education Governance

Early Childhood Education Governance

In a three- to four-page paper, not including title and reference pages, address issues of Early Childhood Education Governance. In your paper:

  1. Briefly summarize the three phases of ECE governance and give an example of each phase.
  2. Focusing on Phase III: Moving Toward Shared Responsibility and Accountability, evaluate the three versions of administrative integration (stand alone, blended, and subsumed) from the perspective of your own defined philosophy of education. Explain how each version aligns or contrasts with your own philosophy and prior experience with the versions in your work.
  3. Identify and describe which of the five issues noted in Chapter One presents the greatest challenge to building authority and accountability into governance entities in early education and care settings.

Utilize the course text and at least two additional scholarly sources to support your points. Cite your sources according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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As life moves on, governance becomes essential to individuals. It is displayed in early childhood just like it is in the general community (Kagan, 2015). Primary infant schooling is also an essential requirement of the community. Therefore, there is the requirement for this program…

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