Ethics in Disparity between the CEO Pay and the Average Worker

Ethics in Disparity between the CEO Pay and the Average Worker

  • Write a paper of approximately 750 words that addresses the following prompt: The average U.S. CEO was paid approximately $12.94 million in 2011, while the average U.S. worker’s pay was approximately $34,000.


    • Is this disparity in compensation ethical? Why or why not?
    • How much of a disparity in compensation would be fair or ethical between a CEO and a worker?
    • What factors justify the average rate of pay for a CEO? What factors make the average rate of pay for a CEO unethical and/or unfair?
    • If you believe that the disparity in pay between CEOs and the typical worker is unethical, what recommendations would you suggest to make pay more fair or ethical?

How does this disparity compare to that of CEOs and workers in countries outside the U.S.?

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There difference between the CEO pay and the average worker pay is not comparable. This has raised the issue on the ethics in the disparity. This paper determines the fairness in the earning of the CEO and the workers and what should be done to reduce the gap. It also compares…

(822 Words)


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