Frontline leadership

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Final Research Paper Draft

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This week you will be creating and submitting a draft of your Final Research Paper that is based on the topic you selected from the Research Paper GuidelinesPreview the document and from the Final Research Paper Outline from Week 2. Please be sure to review the Model Research Paper DraftPreview the document and Week 3 Assignment TemplatePreview the document to understand the expectations for the assignment this week.

The Final Research Paper Draft must contain the following components:

  • A title page and a references page (based upon your annotated bibliography).
  • An introduction that features a thesis statement that is clearly articulated and argumentative and/or analytical. Ideally, the introduction should be a single, compelling paragraph.
  • Body paragraphs that develop at least one research-supported argument. (Note: The body of your paper should feature in-text citations that leverage at least four different sources.)
  • APA-style formatting, including properly documented citations.

Your draft must be 750 to 2,000 words in length, excluding the title and references pages. Remember to proofread your work for errors in grammar, mechanics, style, and formatting. Submit as much work as possible, whether it is a full or partial draft. Please refer to Research Paper GuidelinesPreview the document as well as Week 5 Final Research Paper instructions.

The purpose of the Final Research Paper Draft is to ensure you are making satisfactory progress on your Final Research Paper while providing you with an opportunity to receive direction and feedback from your instructor. If you find that you are struggling to complete the draft, make sure that you have read and reviewed this week’s required activities. Additionally, consider contacting your instructor for additional one-on-one guidance.

Submission Information: Complete the task above and save the document as a Microsoft Word or PDF file. Submit your assignment via the Assignment Submission button. Please use a naming convention for your assignment file that includes your last name, the week number, and the assignment number. So, your Final Research Paper Draft assignment should bear a file name that looks like smithENG122w3.doc or smithENG122w3.pdf.

Answer Preview
Frontline leadership is comprised of the first or second level supervisors. They are the ones in charge and have direct responsibility for operations. Their responsibility also trickles into supervision of the clerical staff and other lower level employees. It is in this light that they can be referred to as the steering wheel of the system (Einstein & Humphreys, 2001). They serve to translate instructions vertically hence…
800 words
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