Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy

Choose one physical disability area you are interested in exploring further such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy, or Muscular Dystrophy. How might the limitations of this physical impairment affect a student’s behavior and/or access to learning? What physical or educational accommodations can an educator and/or related service provider make to address these needs? What assistive technology tools or devices might provide greater access and independence for students?

You may view a written transcript of this video here.

Week Four Learning Outcomes

This week students will:

  1. Plan appropriate and effective supports, services, and collaborative partnerships to support a student with an intellectual disability.
  2. Generate strategies for supporting students with a physical impairment through accommodations, instructional supports, assistive technology, and related services.
  3. Explain how special education law, LRE, IEPs, and transition services are important in supporting the needs of a student with an intellectual disability.


AssignmentDue DateFormatGrading Percent
Planning for Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesDay 3
(1st post)
Supporting Students with Physical ImpairmentsDay 3
(1st post)
Research PaperDay 7Assignment9

Required Reading

  1. Read from your text, Exceptional Lives Special Education in Today’s Schools:
    1. Chapter 9: Understanding Students with Intellectual Disability
      • Chapter 9 discusses the identification, evaluation, and instructional practices for students with an intellectual disability.
    2. Chapter 12: Understanding Students with Physical Disabilities and Other Health Impairments
      • Chapter 12 discusses the identification, evaluation, and instructional practices for students with physical disabilities.
    3. Center for Parent Information and Resources.(2011). Intellectual disability: Matthew’s story. Retrieved from http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/intellectual/#story
        • This story will be used as the case study student for Discussion 1: Planning for Student Needs.

    Recommended Websites

    1. Center for Parent Information and Resources.  (n.d.). Intellectual disability. Retrieved from http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/intellectual/
        • This website provides detailed information on intellectual disabilities (ID) and effective strategies, supports, and services to meet the educational need of students with ID.
    2. United cerebral palsy foundation (http://www.ucp.org)
        • This website provides information on cerebral palsy including different outreach programs and support services.
    3. Spina bfida association (http://www.spinabifidaassociation.org)
        • This website offers information and education on spina bifida including articles, referral services, and other related information such as research.

    To participate in the following discussions, go to this week’s Discussion link in the left navigation.

    1. Planning for Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesPlease read Intellectual disability: Matthew’s storyDiscuss what it means to have an intellectual disability and how this might impact Matthew’s overall education.  Then, based on his interests and needs, discuss the supplementary supports and services that could be integrated into his IEP to support his success in school.  Further, discuss specific ways in which interagency collaboration and community-based instruction could support Matthew in achieving his goals and dreams beyond high school. If applicable, share any personal or professional experiences you have had with working with students with an intellectual disability.Guided Response: Review your classmates’ posts and provide any additional insights and/or ideas you might have regarding supplementary supports, services, or community-based collaboration for educating students with intellectual disabilities.

      Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.

    2. Supporting Students with Physical ImpairmentsChoose one physical disability area you are interested in exploring further such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy, or Muscular Dystrophy. How might the limitations of this physical impairment affect a student’s behavior and/or access to learning? What physical or educational accommodations can an educator and/or related service provider make to address these needs? What assistive technology tools or devices might provide greater access and independence for students?Guided Response:  Review the responses of several classmates’ and respond to at least two of your classmates by providing feedback, further examples, questions, or friendly guidance on their ideas for supports, services, and assistive technology for an individual with a physical impairment.

      Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.

    To complete the following assignment, go to this week’s Assignment link in the left navigation.

    Research Paper

    For this assignment, you will write a five- to six-page paper on intellectual disabilities, including information from at least three peer-reviewed articles and the class text.

    The paper must:

    1. Explain basic facts pertaining to the disability, including the legal definition, characteristics, and limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior.
    2. Analyze ways to address the needs of students within this disability category (strategies, accommodations, modifications, assistive technology).
    3. Analyze supplementary aids and services and/or related services that may be included in the individualized education program (IEP).
    4. Evaluate community resources, services, or agencies available for students and families for the selected disability category.
    5. Outline transition planning considerations for students with intellectual disabilities.
    6. Synthesize the literature and research to create inclusion tips to foster the least restrictive environment (LRE) for the student.

    In addition, the paper:

    1. Must be five to six double-spaced pages in length, not including title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
    2. Must include a title page with the following:
      • Title of paper
      • Student’s name
      • Course name and number
      • Instructor’s name
      • Date submitted
    3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
    4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
    5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
    6. Must use at least six scholarly sources, including a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles.
    7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

    Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


7 hours ago

Week 4 Guidance

Our work this week will focus on students identified with Intellectual Disabilities and students with Physical Disabilities and Other Health Impairments.  The required reading this week comes from your textbook.

  1.  Chapter 9: Understanding Students with Intellectual Disability explains how students are identified. It is important to understand that students must meet criteria on an IQ test and an Adaptive Behavior rating scale. Instructional practices for students with an intellectual disability are also discussed.  Discussion 1:

Center for Parent Information and Resources.(2011). Intellectual disability: Matthew’s story. Retrieved from http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/intellectual/#story

      • This story will be used as the case study student for Discussion 1: Planning for Student Needs.

Chapter 12, Understanding Students with Physical Disabilities and Other Health Impairments will discuss identification, evaluation, and instructional practices.  Students with physical disabilities will be the topic for Discussion 2 – Supporting students with physical impairments Choose one physical disability area you are interested in exploring further such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy, or Muscular Dystrophy. How might the limitations of this physical impairment affect a student’s behavior and/or access to learning? What physical or educational accommodations can an educator and/or related service provider make to address these needs? What assistive technology tools or devices might provide greater access and independence for students?

Recommended websites:

  1.  cerebral palsy:  United cerebral palsy foundation (http://www.ucp.org)
  2.  spina bifida  Spina bfida association (http://www.spinabifidaassociation.org)
  3.  intellectual disabilities can be found  (n.d.). Intellectual disability. Retrieved from http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/intellectual/

Your assignment this week is to write a 5 – 6 page paper on intellectual disabilities, including information from at least 3 peer- reviewed articles and the class text. The following elements must be addressed in your paper:

  1. Explain basic facts pertaining to the disability, including the legal definition, characteristics, and limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior.
  2. Analyze ways to address the needs of students within this disability category (strategies, accommodations, modifications, assistive technology).
  3. Analyze supplementary aids and services and/or related services that may be included in the individualized education program (IEP).
  4. Evaluate community resources, services, or agencies available for students and families for the selected disability category.
  5. Outline transition planning considerations for students with intellectual disabilities.

**** Please pay careful attention to APA guidelines.  I am including some APA information.  The things listed below are from the past weeks prior mistakes.

Common APA mistakes:

Page numbers and manuscript headers:

Number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page.  Number all pages, except artwork for figures, in Arabic numerals in the upper right-hand corner.  The number should appear at least 1 inch from the right-hand edge of the page, in the space between the top edge of the paper and the first line of text.

Manuscript page headers:

Pages occasionally are separated during the editorial process, so identify each manuscript page with the first two or three words from the title in the upper right-hand corner above or 5 spaces to the left of the page number.  You can use the automatic functions of your word-processing program to cause the headers and page numbers to print out on your paper manuscript.

Paragraphs and indentation:

Indent the first line of every paragraph and the first line of every footnote.  For consistency, use the tab key, which should be set at 5 to 7 spaces or ½ inch.

Works with no author:

When a work has no author, cite in text the first few words of the reference list entry (which is usually the title) and the year.  Use double quotation marks around the title of the article or chapter, and italicize the title of a periodical, book, brochure, or report.

Examples:  the book College Bound Seniors (2015)

on free care (“Study Finds,” 1992)

One work by one author:

Examples:  Walker (2000) compared reaction times

In a recent study of reaction times (Walker, 2000)

One work by multiple authors (such as your textbook):

When a work has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the first time the reference occurs; in subsequent citations, include only the surname of the first author followed by et al. with a period after the “al” AND the year if it is the first citation of the reference within a paragraph.

Example:  Wassersteir, Zappulla, Rosen, Gerstman, and Rock (2014) found …

Wasserstein et al. (2014) found

Subsequent citations –  Wasserstein et al. found

Sources on the internet:

At a minimum, a reference of an Internet source should provide a document title or description, a date (either the date of publication or the date of retrieval), and an address.  Whenever possible identify the authors of a document as well.  The URL is the most critical element.  If it doesn’t work, readers won’t be able to find the cited material, and the credibility of your paper or argument will suffer.

Reference page:

The reference list must be double – spaced, and entries should have a hanging indent.

Title page:

The title page includes 3 elements:  running head for publications, title, and byline and institutional affiliation.

Running head is for publication

Title:  Type the title in uppercase and lowercase letters, centered between the left and right margins positioned in the upper half of the page.  If the title is 2 or more lines, double – space between the lines.

Byline and institutional affiliation:  (For purposes of this class) type your name in uppercase and lowercase letters centered between the side margins, one double-spaced line below the title.  Type the institutional affiliation, centered under the author’s name (you) on the next double-spaced line

Gelfand, H. & Walker, C. (2002). Mastering APA style. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Answer Preview

It is additionally remarkable that a portion of the understudies might be unable write ordinarily. This is largely attributed to the tremor that they may have at any one point in their hands. As a result of tremor, they may be unable to write neatly along…

(662 Words)

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