Windows Tools that are Useful to System Administrators

Windows Tools that are Useful to System Administrators


  • From the first e-Activity, analyze at least two (2) utilities available natively in Windows that you believe are useful to systems administrators. Be sure to summarize the uses of each. Next, explain the key reasons why you believe such tools to be useful. Justify your response with examples of how your selected tools can assist in the systems administration process.
  • From the second e-Activity, explain the primary benefits gained from utilizing the tools from the PsTools suite. Additionally, select at least one (1) of the PsTools, and describe the key ways that such a tool can assist a systems administrator.


  • Research the Internet for tools that are available natively in Windows to assist systems administrators. Be prepared to discuss the key ways they can assist systems administrators.
  • Read the article titled, “The Desktop Files,” located here. Be prepared to discuss the ways in which tools within PowerShell (PS) Tools suite can assist systems administrators. Original Source: Miller, W. (2008). The Desktop Files. Retrieved from
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Windows has some useful administrative tools which are native such as computer management and the resource monitor tools. The computer management tool has with it the event viewer, performance tools and the task scheduler…
(364 Words)
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