Reading Reflection

Reading Reflection

Write a three pages reading reflection
I will give you two essays to read and you will write a short essay to response. The readings is online i will give it to you and it is free. The writing is 2-4 pages and it’s short and easy.……

hello. the above are the two readings. And what you need to do is compose a 2-4 page (500-1000 word) response to ” are human essentially good or essentially evil? are human essentially concerned about themselves (egoistic) or are human essentially about others (altruistically) ? is the answer some sort of combination or is there a better way to describe the human condition”.

You don’t have to use other resources. And please use 12 font Times new roman , double space.

2 hours ago

Do not choose word that are too complicate, just use standard grammar and word choosing. Because English is my second language, so , you know, just writing on the average level.

Answer Preview
According to this question, one may answer that humans could be entirely good or evil. This is due to the various actions that they have been displayed since their existence. Over the ages, there have been individuals who are entirely evil. Most of them are well known like Hitler, Assad, Osama bin Laden, or Gadhafi. These people who have been categorized as entirely evil as they find joy in human suffering…
(754 Words)
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