Operation management case study

Before beginning this assignment reference the Guide to Case Analysis and review the assigned chapter readings for concepts which appear in the case. A Guide to Case Analysis: Step Four: Prepare the Written Case Analysis

  1. Read the case EasternGearCaseWeek2.pdfPreview the document.
  2. Begin the written report with a summary of the critical operations or supply chain management issues in the case.
  3. Prepare answers to case questions at the end of the case.
  4. Identify any other operations or supply chain management issues found in the case.
  5. Recommend alternative courses of action to resolve the issues identified.
    Focus primarily on issues related to chapter readings in this part (Introduction, Process, Quality, Capacity, Inventory)
  6. Proofread your report and submit it for consideration.

Answer preview

Operation management refers to the process involved in the designing and control of the production process of materials. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the supply management issues faced by Eastern Gear, Inc. The paper further provides actions to be taken to address the critical operation problems faced by the company as well as the relating the case study with operations strategy and production process concepts…

(700 words)

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