Islam Religion Research Paper

A short research-based exposition (2,500 words) detailing a single aspect/practice/philosophy of Islam religion.

Papers should pay particular to attention to the specific topic’s significance to the tradition overall.

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Religion makes up a significant part of social life. For this reason, the topic always seems to stir up quite the controversy. Another reason would be the fact that religion is a matter of beliefs and ideologies that people hold on to quite steadfastly thus very hard to find a complete agreement of such. Religion essentially refers to an aggregation of faith and practices devoted to the belief in the existence of an omnipotent deity (Huxley, 2016). This connotes the fact that most religions are based on some supernatural existence. In light of that fact, religion can either be monotheistic or polytheistic. Aside from a deity, there are also other aspects characteristic of a religion (Johnstone, 2015)…

(2700 words)

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