“Project Management” (2-3 paragraphs)

Use the Internet to research companies that use project management techniques such as CPM or PERT. Provide at least two examples of companies that have used project management techniques such as CPM or PERT. Evaluate their success in operations.

Determine at least two factors that impact the quality of project management. Suggest ways these factors can be mitigated without affecting project operations.

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A Success for any project depends on the methodology employed during the entire process until completion to be in a position to meet all the requirements succinctly stated out during the initial stage of the project. According to Lin & Tang et al. (2017), for proper management of the extensive and tedious process involved when carrying out a plan, various techniques have to be formulated, notably critical path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT). They have produced outstanding standard procedures to aid in the management of each activity undertaken…
(400 words)
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