Bergerac Systems Case

Answer the questions of the Bergerac Systems case in 8 PPT slides

Answer the questions of the Bergerac Systems case in 8 PPT slides

What are the Business and Operational Challenges facing Bergerac?

Should they integrate backwards into the manufacture of injection-molded parts?If so, how?

Analyze the economics of ‘make or buy’ and ‘in-house’ capability development vs. acquisition.

What other advice would you offer Ian Wycoff about his manufacturing operations?About his Business?

Answer preview
Bergerac systems is a company that focuses on the manufacture of diagnostic equipment and other goods that are produced mainly using plastics. They offer a wide range of goods, and this includes OmniVue which is among their best selling products. Compared to other competitors, the company is among the smallest in the industry both in sales and the workforce. They have however been growing significantly fast, and this has led to them controlling a significant market share in the goods that they sell…
(10 slides)
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