The Princess and the Frog Movie Review

You will write a movie review on the film of yourchoice relevant to the topics and time period. (1877 – present).


You will write a movie review on the film of your choice relevant to the topics and time period of the course (1877 – present). Guidelines and sample for this assignment is in the attachment. This is the major writing assignment for the course, and it is worth approximately 1/4 of my grade, therefore it should be taken seriously. If you have any questions regarding this assignment, don’t hesitate to ask me.

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One of the most notable parts of societal culture is the film industry. The roots of this establishment can be dated backed to the 19th Century. A film translates merely to what most commonly refer to as a movie. Its deep roots in society have mainly been inspired by the role that the film industry plays in communication. It is an industry that forms a part of the media system. It has often been used in the transmission of messages and various other forms of information. The knowledge disseminated then serves to either educate the society or inspire the intended effect such as the unity in the community. In that light, over the years it has served as the activism of sorts….

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