Global Business Article from Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal newspaper only

Each student is required to scan and read articles on global business in this

newspaper everyday it is published during the course. Each student is to prepare a one page or less written

summary of an article on a global business topic. Each student must briefly state: (1) why the article was

relevant to the course and; (2) what was learned from reading the article. In addition, the original article

must accompany the summary.

find article from ((july8th to july 11th ))

Late article

summaries receive half credit. The summary must be from the Wall Street Journal. No substitutes


Topic: global business

in this homework only find one article from  Wall Street Journal and make sure the article is on July 8th or 9th or 10th

Answer preview


The article addresses the move by Microsoft Inc. to introducing a new form of competition to Apple Inc. by cutting prices of its surface devices which competes with least expensive iPads of Apple Inc.  The surface device that has been introduced by Microsoft is a $399 tablet that is 10-inch. The device which is expected in the US and other markets in August is the least expensive of the surface devices by Microsoft (Greene, 2018 July 9). …

(350 words)

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