Implementation of new training plan

Imagine you are the training manager of a healthcare organization with 250 employeesYou have beenasked, as the training manager, to determine skills required for the new IT system that will be implementedin the purchasing department. The new system will impact all nonsupervisory employeesImplementationof the new system has an aggressive timeline and the needs analysis will require effective techniques to uncover skill gaps. In addition to the time constraint, there have been performance issues in the purchasingdepartment related to relationships with pharmaceutical organizations.

Create a report that details the training analysis process and its relationship to other HR functions, including the performance management process.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word report that includes the following components:

  • Summary of your suggested needs analysis process
  • Recommendations for how to address organizational constraints related to time and performance
  • Linkages between performance, training, and needs assessment
  • Options for the needs analysis
  • Recommend the best option for the needs analysis, including your rationale for this option
  • Recommendation for training design

Answer preview

In any business operations, it is necessary that there is continuous monitoring of the activities that are implemented and their effect on the company. This monitoring allows for the management to notice when something is not going as expected and gives them time to perform a correction strategy that can prevent future issues. Needs analysis is one of the methods that are effectively utilized in helping analyze there may be gaps in the operations of organizations and training of employees has over the years proven to be one of the most effective solutions to solving a problem of lack of skills…

(1200 words)

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