Contemporary theories on nationalism

15 double-spaced pages, not including bibliography and cover page, in Times New Roman font 12 pt with single-spaced footnotes in Times New Roman font 10 pt. For referencing use the Chicago Manual of Style.

The topic of the term paper needs to be related to the main themes of the course. It can be a theoreticalpaper discussing one or more theories of nationalism or it can be a specific case study in which differenttheories of nationalism are examined. Focus on the postcolonial theories. I have uploaded the book ( Only the chapter 6,page 196-208 is helpful)U can choose from p196-208, pick 2 or more theories as the main topics. Feel free to use some outside resources, but don’t forget to do reference.

Nope. plz, read the requirements carefully. The theories(also the main topics) can only select from page 196 to page 208!!!!!!

Answer preview

Nationalism has been explained by many theories pre and in the post-colonial periods. The arguments consider nationalism as leading to the opposite poles in the economic, political history and culture[1]. All the theory needs to provide a solution to the origin and the evolutions in the idea of the nation established in Western Europe and how that idea was diffused into the world. In the modern period, structures vary and so is the ideologies and movement in nationalism. The theories provide an understanding of a collective feeling of national…

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