Marketing Management

Marketing Management


Assume that you are appointed as a Chief Marketing Manager for Nestlé Company.

Your role is to evaluate the implementation of market opportunity to launch a completely new and appealing brand within the company’s portfolio. You could choose the dairy products as a category for this assignment. You can also choose to implement your new brand in any country of your choice.

Report Format.

This assignment is divided into three elements. You will need to achieve an overall mark of 40% to successfully complete this module.

In your role as Marketing Manager:

Part 1. Using appropriate knowledge of marketing philosophies, concepts and theory, critically evaluate the strengths of Nestlé Company’s marketing strategy for the dairy products category in delivering value to customers. (30%)

Part 2. Research and evaluate the key dynamics and trends in the competitive and external environments with regard to the dairy products Identify the key factors that underpin the opportunities for the new brand. Include as Appendix 1 a market research proposal that would enable you to qualify your ‘suggestion’. (note – you are not expected to undertake the market research) (30%)

Part 3. In accordance with your knowledge of the marketing planning process make appropriate recommendations to build a sustainable brand. Your suggestions for implementation must be underpinned with relevant theory and real-life/academic case studies. (40%)

Your arguments, findings and recommendations should be supported by theories, facts and figures published within academic books, journal articles, recognised business magazines and market intelligence reports.

Assessment Guidance

Part 1.

Students are expected to critically evaluate marketing management theory with applied discussion relating to the current company and its existing brands. In doing so, students will consider how the organisation delivers value to consumers through the adoption of marketing theory and concepts; these may include, however are not limited to; market orientation and holistic marketing approaches.

Part 2.

Students should apply relevant frameworks to critically evaluate the competitive and external environments. Students must demonstrate that they have undertaken research using a wide range of relevant and current sources which must be referenced. In this section students will be expected to synthesise the market intelligence from their research, demonstrating the ability to evaluate what is relevant and significant for the market. Students will propose a market research strategy – students are not required to undertake primary research, this should be a market research plan and will form Appendix 1 of the report.

Part 3.
From the knowledge gained in Part 1 and the evaluation undertaken in Part 2 students will have identified key opportunities to launch and market a new sustainable brand. Students should provide a product rationale and overview, followed by formulation of objectives and recommendations. With reference to the marketing management process students will make recommendations on segmentation targeting and positioning (STP) strategy, brand building, shaping the market offering through application of holistic marketing management approaches, and implementation and control. It is expected that recommendations will be underpinned with relevant theory and organisational case studies.

Answer preview
The dairy product market is a market that is highly competitive with several companies each looking to outdo each other and increase its client base. The dairy product market is segmented in various categories namely butter, cheese, cream, yogurt, milk, lactose-free milk products, buttermilk and ice cream. The global dairy product market is projected to experience significant growth in the coming years. The growth will be brought about by an increase in the world population and an increase in the number of people who are aware of the nutritional benefits of dairy products among other factors.  The two dairy products that have seen an increase in the number of people who consume them are cheese and butter. According to the Dairy Products – Global strategic Business report released in 2017 it is estimated that the dairy products market will reach $546.8 billion by the year 20122…
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