affordable care unit

affordable care unit

Discussion Topic 1

My course is Health care law.

Nothing sparks discussion among health professionals and consumers like the government’s role in the provision of healthcare. Depending on one’s perspective the American Health Care Act and the Affordable Care Act are the salvation or bane of our civilization. The issue is complex but can be simply analyzed as a combination of the government’s role in providing health coverage for those who cannot fully afford it (which is most of us) and how to pay for it. It is the latter that drives much of the fervor–how much of your money should be used to pay for the care of others?

Where do you stand? Take a position and defend it (appx. 250 words).

Answer preview
The American Health Care Act which is also referred to as the Trumphcare is an amendment proposal for the Affordable Care Act. The latter reflects that health care should be a right for every person. My stand is with the Affordable Care Act since the act is reducing the gap between the rich and the poor regarding the health services. It is unfair to use income and age as the determinants to the healthcare insurance coverage. The Affordable Care Act has three main objectives. First, the Affordable Care Act aims to extend the health coverage program to cover low asset people example, pregnant women, people with disabilities, children, older adults who…
(300 words)
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