organizational behavior case

organizational behavior case

organizational behavior case: Questions for “Motivation at Bald Eagle Software” Applying the concepts from the motivation theories, what would you say motivates Hank? What about Martin? What about Olga?

2. Will Martin’s efforts to make Hank more productive be successful? Why or why not? What do you believe will happen to Hank?

3. If you were Martin, what would you have done differently, if anything?

4. Do you have thoughts about how Hank’s interactions with his co-workers may be impacting their work (positively or negatively)?

Answer preview

Hank is motivated by his targets achievement and the ability to interact freely with people around him hence Cognitive Evaluation theory applies well to him since both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators drive him. Martin is motivated by recognition as per his position and the need to please his boss this can be best explained in McClelland’s Need Theory due to its characteristics of the need for power and need for achievement. The same case to Olga who is motivated to probably prove a point through achievement that women in the software industry…

(300 words)

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