Work environment conflict

Work environment conflict

Describe two situations in which there was a conflict that was eventually resolved. These situations should be based on your experiences, but feel free to change names, details, and any other identifying information. Your brief descriptions (1-2 paragraphs) should provide enough information so that your classmates can recommend one of the five strategies for managing conflict. Do not include any information on how the conflict was resolved.

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In 2016, I joined a company, XYZ that had several departments and each department had a supervisor who reported to the Head of Department (HOD), While HOD reported to the company manager. Later, my department got the HOD fired on unclear grounds. Another one came in shortly to take after him but developed differences with the supervisor within a very short time such that the supervisor forced his way to report matters to the company manager without discussing with the HOD and the conflict worsened with time. The manager, in turn, gave the supervisor a warning, that the new HOD was there to stay and that he could not be fired just like the previous one…


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