Marijuana Legalization case study writing -Sen

Marijuana Legalization case study writing -Sen

This is a law case writing essayneed to write about the Gonzales vRaich case, this is about the topic of : Marijuana Legalization

My case is this one: Gonzales vRaich.

Need full 4 pages essay, cited all resources, and not be plagiarize.

here is some more writing instruction: Once you have chosen the specific topic you will provide a detailed overview of the topic, including a detailed explanation of the courts‘ involvement in the topic. (ie. explaining the most significant cases, the outcomes–as well as lead up to and reactions to the cases) In addition to providing a detailed overview of the specific policy issue or case(s) you are discussing you will also address the following questions: How do the examples you have chosen provide insights into the ways in which the unique structural, constitutional and cultural qualities of the American justice system shapes policy debates and outcomes? How does this story illustrate both the characteristics and the outcomes of adversarial legalism in practice?
Answer preview
During the year 1996 in California, a compassionate law was passed that allowed people to use cannabis sativa also known as marijuana for health purposes. However, this was only to be done in the instance when a medical professional had certified that the drug had a health benefit on the patient. On the other hand, this is contrary to what the federal laws say because they do not give such a provision. With this contradiction there emerged the case of Gonzales v. Raich. Raich was a citizen from California and had been suffering from different ailing such as brain tumor, chronic chest pains among others. For five years, she was in this condition and had exhausted all the available medications whereby they were of no help to her…
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