Fairness in Sentencing

Fairness in Sentencing

The Due Process model has added many procedures to the criminal justice system that are designed to ensure fairness in criminal proceedings. This week’s discussion will focus on fairness in sentencing.When deciding on an appropriate sentence, a judge must consider many factors, including the law, the rights of the victim, and any special circumstances that might influence the final sentence.

  • Analyze whether judges should be required to sentence all offenders equally for the same crime. For instance, should a homeless person receive the same sentence for shoplifting as a person with assets and income?
  • What role, if any, does the victim play in the sentencing process? Analyze whether the impact of the crime on the victim should be a consideration when determining his or her sentence.
  • Consider “habitual offender” laws which increase the punishment for certain repeated felonies. Analyze whether it is fair to punish an offender’s third crime more harshly than the first, if the crimes were the same. Could it be considered double-jeopardy to add to today’s sentence because of a previous crime—which has already been punished?
  • Consider the disparity between the sentence for possessing or selling crack cocaine and the sentence for possessing or selling the powder form of cocaine. At the federal level, crack is punished far more harshly than powder. Analyze the arguments for and against this disparity.
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move the criminal justice system from the crime-based approach in sentencing to rights-based approach. The interests are to safeguard the rights of both the victim and the offender. The most common procedures used for sentencing in the US to sentencing are the crime control; rights-based approach and the due process model. In a recent development the dual process model has made significant progress to ensure fairness in the criminal proceedings.  The expectations are for the judge to have unique and appropriate considerations on such factors that would influence the final sentence. The discussion considers fairness in sentencing in respect to different scenarios considered to attract debate from various stakeholders. Sentencing Different Offenders for the Same Crime             First, the considerations as expressed by Bagaric and Gopalan (2015), are that each crime category needs to have a standard penalty that distinguishes it from other crimes. The harm that a crime set on the flourishing of a victim need to maintain a primary consideration. For the case of different offenders for the same offense, there is a need to consider the extent to which an offender would be held accountable for the act. To hold an offender…
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