Fish oil

 Fish oil

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1. Post length 1500 (minimum)-1600 word

2- You MUST address the following questions:

¤1. For what condition is it recommended?

¤2. For what people is it recommended?

¤3. What is the recommended dose?

¤4. Any research on safety or efficacy?

¤5. Any third party certification available?

6. What is your recommendation given the evidence?

You need at least FIVE, scientific evidence based sources from peer reviewed scientific journals, or credible scientific websites. Please if you use websites use ONLY the sites that were named in the class lecture on Supplementation. Those sites are listed in the slides from class lecture, which are in learning module 4.

2nd example on vitamin D
My paper most be on Fish oil

Answer preview

When tiny tissues of oily fish are passed through the oil processing plant, we get fish oil which contains the omega-3 fatty acids. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has recommended that women around the child-bearing age should limit the consumption of predatory fish such as albacore tuna, tilefish, swordfish, and king mackerel; this is because despite them being high in omega-3 fatty acids, they may contain toxic substances. The dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that are mostly used and available are cold water oily fish which include salmons, sardines, herrings, and mackerels. (Hill et al., 2016). Some of the available fish oil supplements are Nutrigold Triple Strength Oil Omega-3 Gold, Life and Food Omega-3Supreme and Wiley’s Finest Wild Alaskan Fish Oil. This paper aims to address the benefits and side effects of using fish oil as supplements, the conditions, dosage, and people it is recommended for, conducted research on its safety, third-party certifications available and the recommendations that would be given about the supplement.

Pros of Fish Oil Supplements

Some of the ways of obtaining fish oil in the human body are through eating fish and taking fish oil supplements because they contain two of the most important omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. EPA is useful to the body because it reduces cellular inflammation by preventing the production of arachidonic acid which produces the inflammation causing eicosanoids. DHA, on the other hand, is produced in minimal quantities by the…


(1700 words)

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