journal and discussion

journal and discussion

Write the Journal about Rowlandson and answer the Discussion of Young Goodman Brown

Hello Dears,

1. Please write the Journal about Rowlandson. By using the blow link.

First read the provided link than write the journal by length of 420 words.

2. Answer the discussion of Young Goodman Brown.

Link for reading is below

What is the main theme of this work? What passage best represents this theme?

Why does Young Goodman Brown go into the woods?

What role does religion play in this work?

How is this reading an example of the journey motif?

Answer preview

Journal about Rowlandson

Mary Rowlandson, a respected woman in the Puritan society, was captured in 1676 during the King Philip’s War. Rowlandson published the “Narrative of Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” after her release narrating her life in captivity that lasted for eleven weeks. Rowlandson gives her perspective of the Indians who captured her and also describes how the fantastic works of God, faithfulness, and goodness restored her life. She recounts how staying faithful to God as a Christian woman helped her survive during the trying times (Rowlandson, 2009). Rowlandson Christian perspective makes her judge the Native American’s culture while she was living among the Indians which she later appreciated.

Rowlandson’s narrative creates an impression that it is God who saves and punishes his believers. I, therefore, believe that Rowlandson had…


(750 words)

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