capital punishment

capital punishment

In 3 paragraphs answer the following.

Attitudes and assumptions about homicide vary. In the United States, the assessment of homicide can be criminal or noncriminal depending on the circumstances and intent. The noncriminal category identifies justifiable acts. Note that law enforcement and capital punishment (CP) are included in justifiable acts. Because of the escalation of violence in the U.S., segments of society support capital punishment as a deterrent, while others contend that society is engaging in murder itself by carrying out the act of court and state sanctioned capital punishment.

From your perspective, what types of homicide committed by a person would justify their death by CP. If your spiritual/religious beliefs influence against CP, how do you explain the well known passage that includes “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Is CP a justifiable homicide? Your task is to present your opinion/belief about this issue. Be certain to give the logic and supporting background information from peer-reviewed publications for your side on this matter.


Answer preview

Thousands of major crimes are committed each year and reported to the police. Capital punishment (CP) is one of the controversial ways suggested for the punishment of major crimes. In my opinion, one of the crimes that are worthy of capital punishment include murder, that is, depriving another human being of life. Also, espionage that involves spying on governments to obtain secret military and political information and war crimes which are the physical conflict between states deserve CP. Genocide, which involves the killing of innocent civilians to push for a specific cause and treason which is a betrayal of one’s nation and any crimes against humanity which threaten the existence and quality…


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