Health education

Health education

Read the article below at the end of the chapter on Social Capital in your textbook:

Shan, H., Muhajarine, N., Loptson, K., & Jeffery, B. (2012). Building social capital as a pathway to success: Community development practices of an early childhood intervention program in Canada. Health Promotion International, 29(2), 244–255. doi: 10.1093/heapro/das063.…

Based on the information in the article answer the following questions:

1- In what ways did the KidsFirst program support development of bridging social capital for the families?

2- In what ways would bridging relationships contribute to the health of the children?


Answer preview

  1. In what ways did the KidsFirst program support development of bridging social capital for the families?

KidsFirst is a program that was brought forth by the government to deliver childhood intervention services in 9 states of Saskatchewan in Canada. The programmed has set goals to see to it that children from vulnerable backgrounds have a good start in life and get brought up by suitable families and communities. The program has supported the development of bridging social capital for the families involved…


(550 words)

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