Miscellaneous (HIPAA,SAMHSA, Medicare Blue Button)

Miscellaneous (HIPAA,SAMHSA, Medicare Blue Button)

My topic is Miscellaneous (HIPAA,SAMHSA, Medicare Blue Button) i want a 3000 word paper no less talking about that and 1000 world summery

Individual/Team Project – Government Influence

Each student will be assigned to a team to work on a project collaboratively. The project will have an individual component and a team component. Each team will write about government interventions that are influencing the behavior of healthcare providers and prepare an argument that will be debated in class.

Student Responsibilities (Each student)

  • Write paper (minimum 3,000 words) on one of five assigned topics. The paper will describe the topic, summarize its purpose, and outline its HIT impact.
  • Collaborate with your team to prepare an argument as to whether Government’s role in healthcare is effective or ineffective. The team will write a paper (approximately 1,000 words) to articulate your argument.

-HIPAA, including “wall of shame” for breaches

-SAMHSA-CFR Part II (Substance Abuse & Mental Health)

  1. Regulation of behavioral health organizations – extra protections for patient disallowing providers to share clinical information about patients, protecting rights of patients. Patient must give express consent w/ expiration date and specification of who info is being shared with

-Medicare Blue Button Initiative

  1. Idea that Medicare patients should be able to download their medical record information whenever they want it
  2. Initiative to roll out blue button nationwide; lots of promotion from Medicare
  3. Initiative has never taken off
Answer preview

Interventions performed by the government, especially regarding the health care center continue to increase with increased technological advancements and identity theft risks. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights holds the position of the lead agency in the realization of any breaches associated with patients’ information or cases. The government possesses an active duty and responsibility to its public to ensure that its health records always remain private. Documents referring to issues like child-mortality rates in each region contribute to explaining the nature of given populations. Also, the exploitation of patients, in recent cases, continues to remain high over specific healthcare institutions. The lack of proper check-up on health care institutions regarding regulation and the applicable charge rates associated with medical care can promote exploitation. Interventions by the government can help to reduce such cases.

Another region receiving a lot of concentration regarding the health care sectors involves the increased price rates in the industry (Horgan, Stewart, Reif, Garnick, Hodgkin, Merrick, & Quinn, 2016). Increased health care costs prompt different patients to run away from the hospital without the clearance of payments. In other cases, some hospitals also recorded instances where they threw patients out of the hospital to clear up bed space. The issues presented require appropriate intervention from the government in various manners like the initiative “wall of shame” incorporated by HIPAA for the detection of any breaches regarding health care information. The regulati…

(4100 words)
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