Napoleon and The French Revolution

Napoleon and The French Revolution

Must have an introduction, subtitles, and a conclusion.
should Napolean be considered a “son of the French Revolution” why or why not?

insightful and analytical 3-4 page historiographical essay

an introduction with the clear and precise thesis statement

use quotes, evidences and citations (use bibliography and in text citations)

use any 2 EXTERNAL SOURCES and READING 6 from text Melancon, M., ad Swanson J. (2007) Nineteenth Century Europe: Sources and Perspectives from History, Pearson.

5 paragraph essay (1 intro and body paras 2,3 both with positive side and body para 4th with negative thoughts or the other way around with a conclusion.

Use external sources,

textbookMelancon, ad Swanson J. (2007) Nineteenth Century Europe: Sources and Perspectives from History, Pearson., reading 6th, writings and sayings Napolean Bonaparte

Answer preview

Napoleon and The French Revolution

Napoleon is a son of the French revolution. The French revolution was marked by severe and violent political and social changes in the entire territory of France as well as its territories beginning in 1789. Following the American war, the country had been left in massive debt. History tells us that the harvest that was collected that year was poor and the grain industry was grossly mismanaged (Hunt, Lynn, and Jack Censer 85). As a result, people in the lower social classes were grossly affected. The Catholic clergy and aristocrats were still enjoying their usual favors which were exaggerated and financed…

(1000 words)

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