The Fourth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment

 The Fourth Amendment” Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity, examine the difficulties associated with interpreting the specific words and phrases of the Fourth Amendment. Explain your rationale.First, take a position for or against the exclusionary rule. Next, analyze the major ramifications of having or not having the exclusionary rule. Justify your response.

2, Civil Liability” Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity, debate whether or not America is moving closer to becoming a police state. Discuss the incidence, expense, and benefits of lawsuits against the police and their ability to prevent or not prevent our nation from moving toward a police state. llustrate the key aspects of U.S. Code Title 42, Section 1983 (page 239 of the textbook). Next, identify and discuss two (2) situations where someone can file a case under Section 1983.

3. Organizational Identities and Practical Reflection” Please respond to the following:

  • Choose one of the following organizational identities; a metropolitan police force, a rural police force, a state prison system in a rural area, or a federal prison system in an urban area. Identify any social, economic, and other demographic and ecological factors that they are likely to encounter in their respective environments. Last week, you did research on position descriptions for the jobs at the Federal, state, local, and private-sector. This week, discuss some of the skills and abilities that you may need to acquire beyond your degree needed to acquire and progress in your selected position, and some ways to obtain those skills.

4. Technology and Practical Reflection”

  • Address three challenges faced by criminal justice organizations in implementing technological initiatives, such as cost/benefit factors, legal implications, and privacy issues. Imagine you are applying for one of the positions you previously researched. State the position and determine five (5) skills that are important to have for this position

5. “The Economics and Politics of Depression” Please respond to the following in a 250 word post :

From the scenario (The American History Museum) the text book (chapters 21 and 22), and the on line lectureNO OUTSIDE SOURCES

  • Discuss the economy in the 1920s and indicate what structural problems (regulation of the stock market,banking, farm prices, tariffs etc) existed that you can identify from the course materials eventually leading to the Market Crash in 1929 and later the Great Depression
  • Identify at least two (2) causes of the Great Depression. Present the federal governments response and whether or not the evidence that you have read supports the federal government’s response to the Depression and encouraged economic growth and confidence.

6. “America’s Entry into World War II” Please respond to the following: NO OPINIONS!

Using the American History Museum, the Week 6 Lecture and the text book and supplemental sources using only the course materials– NO OUTSIDE SOURCES. Answer the following in a minimum of a 250 word post and be sure to comment on a classmate’s post.

  • Briefly discuss the critical events that occurred on the following four dates–1931, 1939 (two events), 1940 and 1941 that led to the outbreak of World War II.Why did the countries that triggered these events act the way that they did: Do you think it was to build an empire? To use the military as a means of getting out of the Great Depression? A response to defeat in WWI? Do you think that they were looking to start a World War? What do you think and why. Provide historical evidence to support your answers.
  • Give at least two (2) reasons why Americans initially wanted to stay out of the conflict that would become World War II. Provide historical evidence for your positions

7. Growing Cities” Please respond to the following:

  • Based on the lecture and Webtext materials, address the following:
    • Examine the main reasons why people are attracted to urban areas in the developing world, and select the key issues that make this rural to urban migration such a difficult problem for governments to deal with.

    8.Education” Please respond to the following:

    • Based on the lecture and Webtext materials, address the following:
      • Outline the most significant obstacles to obtaining an education in developing countries. Suggest at least two (2) reasons why education should be a priority in the developing world. Next, propose significant overall strategies – aside from building more schools – that those in leadership positions in developing countries may use in order to help their people escape poverty through education.
Answer Preview
There are various difficulties related to interpreting the specific words and phrases of the Fourth Amendment. This is mainly as a result of the era in which it was originated compared with the current times we live in. during the creation of the Fourth Amendment, things like the internet and the drones used in obtaining information did not exist…
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