Transformation of wage labor and Resistance

Transformation of wage labor and Resistance

Write a 5 page paper according to the assigned readings

As the industrial revolution developed in the United States, traditional patterns of work were disrupted and replaced by more ridged, structured, factory-based workplaces. The older notion of the “Artisan Republic”—in which craftsmen could aspire to the status of a master within their given field—was threatened. American workers resisted this change. In what ways did Americans seek to maintain these older traditions of work, and how successful were they?

Write a 5 page paper that addresses the question posed above. In your response, be sure to base your claims on materials read in the assigned readings (you do not need to read additional sources for this assignment.)

2 copies of the first draft are due in class for the peer review session scheduled for October 30. You will also provide your assigned reader a copy via email attachment on that day. You will be given additional feedback from the TAs assigned to work with you in the following week. The final draft of the paper should be submitted via email attachment to your assigned reader by the start of class on November 27.

It is important that you know who your assigned reader is: please consult the group listed provided on the Sakai sight. Paper drafts that are not sent in a timely fashion to the appropriate reader will be downgraded.

4 Attachments

20171104222519wbachapter8 20171104222517wbachapter7 20171104222514lynngreatstrike20171104222514artisanshoeshop

Answer Preview

The rise of industrialized revolution in America led to the disruption of the traditional work patterns. The older traditions of work were being replaced by more structured and factory based workplaces. This was as a result of new technologies and increased immigrants with high demand for labor. The technological advances were experienced…

(1587 Words)

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