Criminal Behavior Theories

Criminal Behavior Theories

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the criminal behavior theories. Which theory do you think is most applicable to the cause of criminal behavior today and why? Support your answer.

  • 2-3 pages double spaced
  • Use at least two reliable sources other than the text (not Wikipedia)

APA Format

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Strengths and Weaknesses of Criminal Behavior Theories

Criminal behavior theories were established to seek the causes of crimes in the society we live in. These theories have helped in shaping the society and at times bringing justice because we have crime activities that might be legal in one country and illegal in another one. Each one of three theories of criminal behavior has its pros and cons. The first theory is the biological theory which believes that a person can be born a criminal because crime can dwell on the human personality. It shows that a person can be born a criminal through hereditary concept and also through brain dysfunction and abnormalities which can be led by trauma for instance.

One of the strengths of the biological theory is that it has enabled the fight of crime through profound brain simulation…

(750 words)

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