Homelessness in San Diego

Homelessness in San Diego

Write an argumentative six to eight-page research paper in MLA format that argues one side of a controversial, local (San Diego) issue, focusing on the causes and effects of the problem and solutions to the crises. The essay should provide quoted passages and/or paraphrases from at least six (6sources to support your claims, acknowledge and refute opposing viewpoints, and encourage your readers to take action.***You cannot write the paper on food waste.
The topic is Homelessness in San Diego

ore Specifically:

Identify a narrowed topic and develop an argument about that topic

Be well-organized and demonstrate coherence. Your paper should include:

An introduction section that states your topic and thesis;

Body paragraphs that develop your argument with PIE paragraphs;
A counter argument before the conclusion

At least one body paragraph that addresses and refutes the opposing viewpoints

A conclusion section which wraps up the paper

Your essay should include six (6) credible sources that you select.

At least three (3) sources must be located through the library’s databases, library’s sources from the cuyamaca college

Up to two (2) of the sources can be interviews with people who have knowledge of the topic

NOTE: Since you are citing sources, don’t forget your Works Cited page


Answer preview

Homelessness is a significant problem in San Diego. The county has been ranked 4th in the number of such cases in a recent study (KPBS, 4). The main question in this discussion is what the government is doing to end this situation. With several occurrences associating homelessness to an outbreak such as hepatitis A virus (HAV) (Wooten, Darcy, 1) it’s the highest time the government takes proper initiatives to end homeless in San Diego. Although the government has initiatives to end homelessness the strategy seems to focus more on the symptoms other than the root cause of the problem. For instance, the effort to establish tents hasn’t led to any important accomplishment. In particular, there is neither an accomplishment in bridging the homeless population to stable housing nor reducing the increase in the number of homeless individuals.         The situation at hand is a local disaster that requires a more objective intervention extended beyond the current homeless population. Some individuals may argue that homelessness is a national…


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