Book Analysis: The Elegant Universe

Book Analysis: The Elegant Universe

Analyze the book: The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene

You can analyze a different book if you want, but it has to be about physics.


Key Elements: All of these elements should be easily found in your analysis. (Required)

❏ Who is the author and what is his/her general background? Why might they have written this book?

❏ An explanation of the author’s thesis: What is the focus of this book? What was he trying to say?

❏ What struck you or stood out in this book and why? Be as reflective and thoughtful as you can. This is the soul of the paper.

❏ How does this book change/challenge the way you look at or think about some previously held belief about the world? If it did not change or challenge anything for you, then carefully explain why.

Answer preview

In the various fields of knowledge, there exist multiple contributions from the various experts that are based in these entities. Each makes their substantial contribution to the development of concepts and through research that adds the span of knowledge in the field. Many of these individuals relay their knowledge in various forms but most common is through books. Knowledge has been passed down in written form for ages and has identified as one of the most suitable methods of knowledge preservation. In the field of Physics, there exist countless books written with the intent of passing across knowledge relevant to the field. One such book is “The Elegant Universe,” which preset the theoretical knowledge of the strings and superstrings theory that is found in Physics.

About the Author

The book is written by Brian Greene, a Physics and Mathematics professor that is currently based at the University of Colombia. Greene was born in the city of New York and is a descent of a Jew lineage. Despite the fact…

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