codes of the streets

codes of the streets

Based on Elijah Anderson book “Code of the Streets”, there are two orientations, decent and street. How does this organization of social life in urban places play out in this ethnography?

Times New Roman, double spaced. Two and half pages to three pages long. Use references from book.

Two orientations- decent and street-organized the community socially, and the way they coexist and interact has important consequence for its residents particularly for children growing up in the inner city.

How does this organization of social life in urban places play out in this ethnography?

Make specific references to the text when giving your answer.



Answer preview

According to Elijah Andersons’ book, the code of the streets, there are two cultural forces which shape the community socially, how they coexist and interact with one another. However, these two forces have influenced children from both forces, especially for those mainly growing in the inner city. The children from the street values are compelled to engage in violence and retaliate in the streets, so they are not identified as a weak target who are susceptible to physical danger, beatings, or theft. Also, it is unfortunate that this culture has impacted their coexistence and interactions with others within society. Unfortunately, children from inner-city lack anything to fall back on, such as good grades or scholarships to escape the culture of the code in the streets.

How this organization of social life in urban places plays out in this ethnography

This organization of social life between decent and street values has significantly impacted children growing up in this…


(950 words)

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