supply chain technologies

supply chain technologies

Write a research paper on Technology in the Supply Chain

Write a research paper on Technology in the Supply Chain, focus on communication, automation, visibility, analytics, and cloud based technologies.


1. 5 pages in length (not including cover page or reference page) and will be in proper academic (APA or MLA) format.

2. There should be at least 10 academic /professional references and related citations.

Not opinion papers or position papers. This research paper that cover the pertinent aspects of the subject.

Assume the reader has no understanding of the topic at all.

Strength of references is critical.

Answer preview

Supply chain management encompasses the production of goods all the way from raw materials to the final products ready to be consumed. In order to accomplish this task, a company has to make a network of suppliers who will move the products all the way from raw materials to finished products. The emergence of technology has made doing business more competitive. Supply chain management was not left behind since there are some technological aspects which are now being applied to supply chain management. Supply chain management consists of planning, sourcing, manufacturing, and logistics. Technology has enhanced operations making it efficient, effective, and cheap. Therefore, it has become imperative…

(1500 words)

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