Sentencing Strategies

Sentencing Strategies

Preparation for the Term Paper

Preparation for the Term Paper

As part of this course, you will be asked to write a Term Paper that seeks to explore the application of two theories to a particular form of crime. In preparation for this, it is crucial that you are able to examine a particular crime in the context of a response to it. One of the legislatives changes in the late 20th Century and early 21st Century was the increased usage of determinate sentencing strategies, such as mandatory minimums and three strikes laws. These sentencing strategies have had an especially noticeable effect on drug offenders. Answer the following questions in regard to these sentencing strategies:

  1. Explain how the Classical School can be applied in these sentencing strategies.
  2. Give two examples of how these sentencing strategies have changed the criminal justice responses to drug offenders.
  3. Explain how these sentencing strategies have caused a disparity in the offender population in prisons and jails.

Each question should have a 1–2 paragraph answer in essay format. You must properly cite the sources used in your answers in APA style and provide a reference list at the end of the assignment.

Answer preview

Classical school of criminology refers to the school of thought regarding sentencing that arose in the 18th century. The people behind the classical school are Jeremy Bentham and Cesare de Beccaria. According to Bentham, people commit crimes after analyzing the pleasure and the pain they are likely to gain from committing the crime. He, therefore, proposed deterrence such that the pain outweighs pleasure to detract people from committing crimes. Beccaria, on the other hand, advocated for punishment, which matches the crime committed (Faqir, 2015). This paper is an analysis of the application of classical school thinking to sentencing strategies applicable in the 21st century and how the policies have affected criminal justice response to drug offenses.

Classical School and sentencing strategies

The classical school believes that criminals are rational human beings. Criminals choose to engage in criminal activities because they want to maximize pleasure…

(750 words)
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