

Can you help me with this assessement question

Here is something I need an answer for. It is not an essay or needs to be in apa form. It is a question that I need an answer for but it has to be 300 word answer.

Select an artifact or image created in 1000–1300 C.E. using the textbook or other academic resource, such as a museum or library website. Artifacts can include written works, laws, codes, buildings, maps, art, rituals, dance, holidays, and so on; for this exercise, if your choice is not tangible itself, be sure to include a weblink or textbook page number for a related physical relic. Your answer should explain how your chosen artifact (and relic) reflects the character of this period. Support your insight with at least one example of a connection to a specific political, economic, or religious development to which it relates.

It’s not an essay. it’s just a 300 word answer I need to the info I sent you


Answer preview

Artifacts created between 1000 and 1300 CE were mainly seen in churches. The creative work from several artists was identified as cathedral art. The artists relied on Romanesque and Gothic styles to convey their messages. During the medieval period, artists were fascinated in creating large scale art pieces which reflected social stability and influences of the spiritual foundations in the Christian church. An example of an artifact that was created during this period was the medieval relief sculpture of Judas Iscariot strangling himself assisted by evils ( The piece was designed between 1120 and1135, and later it was viewed as a masterpiece relief sculpture of the Romanesque art.

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