Application of Virtue Theory in Premature Birth

Application of Virtue Theory in Premature Birth


In a five paragraph essay

In a five paragraph essay, apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course of action in the medical case of the premature twins studied in class. Apply the ethical theory to support your arguments. Not using the ethical theory results in an automatic zero. Using more than one ethical theory results in an automatic zero.

Just to remember you have to apply ethical theory

I mean, you have to apply ONE ethical theory

Answer preview

Virtue theory is a concept which was mainly developed by Aristotle that upholds the life of a moral character. This philosophy is a character-based which suggest that virtues or honest traits are achieved through practice. The practice of the virtuous characters, even in the healthcare setting result in mora characters in their profession. Acts of compassion, honesty, and bravery build one into a good human being. The virtue theory suggests that the goal and purpose of human life is to enhance wellness and happiness, eudemonism

Application of Virtue Theory in Premature Birth

Since neonatal intensive care is administered to premature babies, it is impossible to gain their opinion or consent on whether treatment should proceed or seize. Therefore, based on Aristotle, virtue ethics can be applied in this ethical dilemma. It is because virtue ethics will provide habits to allow parents…

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