Reflections on Cover Letters

Reflections on Cover Letters

Discussion Question: Reflection

This is a discussion question so it needs to be in your own words and no references are needed. Please…No Plagiarism!

  1. Review a guide to writing cover letters, located at Next, reflect on what you learned regarding the importance and structure of job application cover letters. Ascertain the key factors an employer may take into consideration when determining whether an applicant receives a job interview.
  2. Identify two (2) key skills that you learned during the course that you think will add to your communication effectiveness.
  3. Think about your goal established in Week 5’s discussion. How well did you progress towards achieving that goal? What additional work must you do to achieve or expand that goal?

Answer preview

A cover letter acts as an introduction highlights an applicant’s key accomplishments and suitability for a job. They are essential as they provide an opportunity of adding details on information contained in a resume. It is in addition to allowing recruiters to be able to differentiate between applicants with the same qualifications. Therefore, a good cover letter can give one an edge over the others. From the class reading, every cover letter should suit a particular job. However, one can adjust the contents of an earlier letter to reflect on what one thinks makes him or her best candidate…


(600 words)

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