social inequality

social inequality


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On the celebrity college admissions scandal!

Assignment 1: Thinking about Inequalities (Critical Thinking/Analysis): Due Week 2 Thursday

Recent reports about college admissions in some well known schools in the country have shed rare light on wealth
and privilege. The reports are both deeply worrying yet unsurprising at the same time given that they tell us about
class and the nature of inequalities in our society. Given what you have read, do you think education is what is often
portrayed as the enabler to social mobility or equalizer in our society? Is Meritocracy a Myth (not more than 4

Some Selected References to Read:

Jack Stripling (APR 17, 2019). ‘It’s an Aristocracy’: What the Admissions-Bribery Scandal Has Exposed About
Class on Campus.” Online at:

Richard Reeve (12 Mar 2019). It’s not just corruption. Entrance into elite US colleges is rigged in every way

Jason England (MAR 13, 2019). “Higher Education and the Illusion of Meritocracy.” Online at:


Answer preview

Social inequality has been a spiking topic in the US, especially with the recent college scandal on major and most prestigious colleges in the country. Education in society is supposed to be the key influencer of social mobility in our community. Unlikely, according to the readings provided from ‘The Guardian’ and ‘The Chronicles of Higher Education’ on the college scandal in the US, social mobility is far more to be achieved. Regarding this, the paper will unfold if education is an equalizer or an influencer in society conferring the readings. Not forgetting social mobility and meritocracy in the community. One of the objectives of education is to create…


(1300 words)

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