Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great


The World History to 1500

The first paper is a short research paper. I will select one of the more popular “want to know more” topics from your 3-2-1’s, and you’ll write a 1,000 to 1,500 word research paper on the subject (roughly 3 to 5 pages). You should use at least 3 to 5 sources. This paper is due 22 October.

Topic choosen:

  • Alexander the Great

As we discussed in the first lecture, I encourage you to consult Alex Boucher at Gorgas Library if you need help. Alex created a library start page to help you with your assignment.

bro to make sure the resources for the research should be from our library

Alex created a library start page to help you with your assignment.

Citation Format: You must use a recognized citation format for the research papers. It is your responsibility to learn a format if you haven’t already learned one another course. I will deduct 2 0 points from your grade for each paper if the sources are not documented in an approved citation format.Plagiarism: I reserve the right to examine every paper for plagiarism. If you copy an exact quote from a source, you must place that material in quotation marks and list the source. If you paraphrase material, again, you must list the source. Any suspected acts of plagiarism may be submitted to the Dean for academic misconduct, with a suggested penalty of “ 0 ” on the paper.

have a stock set of grading comments I use when I grade papers. I’ll list them here for your convenience. Please keep these handy when you write your papers.

  • Avoid colloquial phrases in formal research papers.
  • Cite your sources.
  • Enclose direct quotations in quotation marks.
  • Avoid first and second-person references in formal research papers.
  • Start a new paragraph here. You must begin a new paragraph when you change topics.
  • Start a new paragraph here. Again, you must begin a new paragraph when you change topics.
  • L-o-n-g sentence. Write more concisely, selecting your words more intentionally.
  • L-o-n-g sentence. Each sentence should address a particular idea in the paragraph.
  • L-o-n-g paragraph. Each paragraph should address a specific topic.
  • In formal writing, construct your sentences so that you never end a sentence in a preposition.
  • Use past tense verbs to describe past events.
Answer preview

The world history to 1500 regards the greatest philosophers in the world with all the achievements and impacts they tried to impart. Alexander the great is among the greatest philosophers in the world for the achievements and philosophical impact the Greek King generated. The world history to 1500 holds the humankind history around the globe and the philosophical interactions and implications during the empire period. Regarding this, the paper will outline the history of Alexander the great in a cue to address the impact that this Greek leader made…

(900 words)

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