International and Humanitarian Disaster Management for Public Health Tools: Epidemiological Studies, Surveillance, and Monitoring

1. Evidence is a key component in identifying trends and changing practice especially in the public health field. Choose a public health topic that you are especially passionate about. (e.g. water and sanitation, vaccinations, infectious disease, etc.) Discuss how studies/research support your views (for or against).

2. Choose a recent international or humanitarian disaster.What public health issues were associated with this incident? How would you manage these issues?


The answers should be at least 3 substantive paragraphs, well developed, referenced, and properly formatted. “Substantive” means that the writer has added to the dialogue with referenced facts or pertinent personal experience leading to a reasoned argument that advances the scholarly discussion. Discussion question answers must include at least one reference that is not from the assigned reading.

Reference to appropriate authoritative resources and official websites. Must be accessible online. Use New Times Roman 12 font with 1” margins and APA style.

The required readings & 1 example from other student is attached, but do your original work.

Useful Links:

This is a short video that provides a nice over of epidemiological studies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3gFT0-C4s&feature=youtu.be

Another short video on public health surveillance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IpE8dE4cVc&feature=youtu.be

Required readings:

– Kapur, G.B. and Smith, J.P. (2011). Emergency public health preparedness and response. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 9 & 10. (Attached)

Answer preview

Public health is a primary concern for many persons. The maintenance of public health ensures the safety and wellbeing of all persons in society. Through evidence, studies have indicated various trends and changing practices, especially in the public health field. Notably, the issue of water and sanitation is a burning issue that affects most livelihoods (Kapur, and Smith, (2011). The aftermath of disasters typically leads to pollution and contamination of the sewer system. Floods are a leading cause of deteriorated water and sanitation. As posited by David Hugh and Patrick (2018), floods…

(420 words)

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