Working with a team discussion

Working with a team discussion

It is not uncommon, especially in today’s global and technologically-driven workforce, for individuals to work on teams. In organizations that span various geographical regions, virtual teams are becoming increasingly popular.

For this discussion forum, think about a time during which you worked on a team. Then, do the following:

  1. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of this team.
  2. Then, based upon the weaknesses noted,describe a specific type of OD intervention strategy that could be utilized to improve the noted weakness.
  3. Explain how addressing this team’s weakness can enhance individual and organizational effectiveness.

300 words with reference.

Answer preview

Modern organizations are comprised of complex tasks that require employees to work in teams to achieve organizational goals. I remember a time I was in a team of ten people where we were allocated tasks to complete as a team. The strengths of the team were as follows. First, there was good leadership that helped our team to complete the tasks. This was facilitated by clear goals set by the team supervisor. Secondly…

(300 words)

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